Our Mission

Pure in Heart America invites youth and young adults

through evangelical outreach and local prayer communities

to cultivate purity and chastity,

educating, inspiring, and empowering

them to fruitfully live out the call to holiness as disciples

of Jesus Christ.


Our Vision

Through our prayer communities and mission teams,

we hope to educate, inspire, and empower the youth

to build a culture of life-- growing in virtue

and discovering the love they were created for.

Through this discovery of their own self-gift,

we see a world with confident young adults ready to

pursue the vocation God has called them to while avoiding

the pitfalls of the world.


What does this look like?

In a culture of life, we will see dedicated, noble vocations

to the priesthood and religious life; unbreakable, Christ-centered marriages;

and happy, confident and selfless young people living chaste lives

and upholding the dignity of every human person.